Monday, September 14, 2009

Action Direct Audition: The Jangeunbang Ukulele adventure

Only 3 weeks of playing the ukulele. It is my new toy. More practice needed!
This is a tribute to my Big Wall Jam Band Buddies!
Go on YOU TUBE and search for:
"nationalpickleday" or
"Part (1,2,3) Climbing to the sky in a sea of tyranasaurus teeth"
"Action Direct Audition"

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rusty Boats and Jagged mountain peaks

This time luggin a smaller tote, Alec and I set off to the magnificent Seorak Mountains near the coast of the East Sea in South Korea. The smell of fishing villages and old rusty boats reminds me on Halifax and New Zealand. Good memories. There is something majestic about old rusty fishing boats. They show the multitude of scars and battle wounds from a life out at sea. A rough life, a tough life. They have a history forever etched into the sepia skinned steel that coats their exterior and they gently rock in the swell of natures fondest unknown, the ocean.

A most wondrous multi-pitch of heady trad and sport mixed, I decided to haul my ukulele to the top obliged to audition for ACTION DIRECT, the big wall jam band. This route, called Alpine Crutch/Clutch/Crux however you interpret the Korean pronunciation, gets more difficult the higher you go ending with 2 most brilliant 11a. pitches, courteously and courageously lead by Alec himself. The best part about the last pitch was a little warning squeak as I camed my fingers into the only but sweetest hand hold insight. I had disturbed a teeny tiny brown bat as he took refuge from the heat of the sun. His beady eyes were no bigger than a pin-head and his little nose the size of the polka-dots on your childhood rubber boots. I gingerly adjusted my grip and gazed at the precious wonder of nature hiding 150 metres off the deck. Scared and shaking in its refuge I carefully climbed past and met Alec on the summit. The ukulele was out and the jamming began in the honour of my Belgian friends Nico and Sean. Oh yes, I must mention that I have never played an instrument before and I only picked up the ukulele 3 weeks ago. I am still in the ubiquitous learning curve, but practice makes perfect as the cliché goes. Watch the videos and cross your fingers. I hope I pass the first round of auditions!