Thursday, August 26, 2010

I have branched out into the world of sound and song

Have you ever wondered when the Mile High Club was started?
or Why astronauts can't cry in space?

For all of those who like a little education with your entertainment…The Seoul Encyclopedia Show is here! * Inspired by the Chicago based Encyclopedia Show, the purpose of this show is to bring artists of all different backgrounds to create a verbal/visual Encyclopedia installment on a given topic.

Our first installment for this series is Gravity. We have an amazing line up of poets, songwriters, painters and performance artists to create an inspired description of the force that keeps our feet married to the Earth and the planets in orbit.

Indeed I have once again hit the big stage. By exploring other avenues besides rock climbing and working too much, I keep sane. A variety of hobbies and continuous projects on the go is one thing that drives me towards passion. To be able to share the final product of my creative process gives me the opportunity to find others who who have similar inspired imaginations. Thank you to all who take the time to hear me.