Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Russia. I need to learn more.

Russia has always been a mystery to me. I need to learn more about Russia. But, for today, during this brief 24 hour period, it will stay a mystery because I am going to Spain. That's right, I said Spain. Two months to crush it in Monserrat and El Chorro. Some of the best climbing in Europe? Can that be said?
I made a hard decision. Quitting a job is never any fun.

A pause in responsibility towards the leisure intensity; I need a little break. This may not be the wisest choice considering monetary issues, but really, if you think about it from a daily perspective, life is short. This seems to tie into the idea of prospective future plans - planning the plan. Guilty as charged with the lure of anticipation. But really, how long should we depend on the existence of life? I am not trying to invite the existentialist inside, I am only trying to illicit the pressure of the fact that life will inevitably change as it does. Do we want to wait out the bullshit with our unrelenting patience or can we appreciate and be thankful for the moments where the sun shines on our faces and tickles our spirits with a blessing of luck and prosperity? Take advantage of the situation so-to-speak. Grab the bull by the horns. As those who know me best, they understand my impulsive decision-making personality. I recognize this within myself and coyly admit that it is not the most admirable trait. Troubles arise once and awhile. It could be admirable and undoubtedly is in some cases I guess, but there are hidden demons within. Well, demons who work for temptation and her beguiling ways; tempting away from the expected. So, in fact, the demons are disguised angels with a little message for us all.

Things are as they are
I do not mind what happens
This too will pass…
Que sera sera.

And Carpe Diem Mother F***ers!!!

I await another unknown adventure… which is electrifying!

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